2013年10月11日 星期五

Dear 迷惑ラグビー倶楽部、桜惑ラグビー倶楽部 
Again we'd love to say a few thank-words to our friends oversees. People here says that travelling far off a place knows better than reading it only. Definitely, it happened weeks ago while tripping in Kyoshu. This amazing game-trip was totally giving chances to learn what the game fields’d really be and how teamwork’s constantly operating, and some of local culture and history spoken by our couriers. All these were absolutely so exquisite. Figure that the trick getting people together is to let them think something’s totally impressive in the first place. We’d say it was indeed. These pleasant moments woud be a good start to unite two different people. And we give words with all hearts if possibly anytime you club comes to Formosa, you guys shall be our guests of honor. 
再次地對我們海外朋友說些感謝的話。 諺語說;讀萬卷書不如行萬里路;在兩周前九州之旅得到確切的印證。 這驚異的球賽旅行給大家一個機會,去了解我們比賽球場的真實模樣、團體合作如何地持續執行,以及導遊大大介紹的當地人文歷史。所有的一切都顯得那麼精緻。 其實大家能一起談聚的秘訣在於,在開始時就能對對某些事物印象深刻。可以這麼說,這些的確讓我們印象深刻。 這些令人愉快的時光將會是連結兩地不同文化人群的好開始,而且我們深切保證,任何時候你們俱樂部來到福爾摩莎,都會是我們的嘉賓。
臺灣無惑 : 會長 戴芳瑜

